Tuesday 6 September 2011

Cunit under pressure from Elena Salgado

The town council of Cunit (Baix Penedès) still has not presented the official closing of its 2010 financial balances to the Spanish government. In Spain, there are 2.514 municipalities in the same situation. Of these, 140 are located in Catalonia and while most of them are very small, Cunit stands out as being one of the few with more than 10.000 inhabitants.

In these cases, to put pressure on local politicians, Spanish finance minister Elena Salgado has threatened to - from October and until the books are sent in -, freeze the monthly transfers which the municipalities receive from the central government. Since these tend to make up 25% of the municipal budgets, such a move would have serious consequences for local cash flow.

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Read more in Catalan: Ara and 3deVuit

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