Sunday 4 January 2009

ENG: Back to the Blogosphere

It is only the fourth of January but my wife and I feel as if the Reis mags de l'Orient have already been here. We are back on-line by ADSL speed again. What a feeling!

Not to have high speed Internet at home has been a big brake on my motivation to blog. There certainly have been many things to write about, but without the possibility to spend time searching information - and to check my language - I have not felt comfortable to comment on them.

Now that will finally change, but I am not sure what comes next. Firstly, because I will have to spend most of my time selling condoms. Secondly, because I have re-discovered how much I like to read books.

Having said that, I have a half-finished entry on castellers which I will publish soon and I really want to come back to making summaries of how the Catalan language is being portrayed in the news. And the fact that my company is based in Castelldefels will inspire some texts - Catalonia as a whole is bilingual but although we are only a few kilometres away from each other, the linguistic situation in Baix Llobregat is amazingly different to what I am used to out here in what one day might be the vegueria Penedès.

Finally a big thanks to those of you who have kept coming back to Wirdheim in Vilanova, although I have not had much to offer. Today I have found out that some of my entries have even resulted in comments on other blogs. What a nice encouragement to get going again.

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Technorati tags: Bilingualism, Catalan, Catalonia, Vilanova, Wirdheim

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