Tuesday 22 January 2008

The Origin of Xató

We in Vilanova i la Geltrú have an unfortunate talent to turn up in the national news for negative reasons. I am not going to comment on the latest tragic case, since it by no means can be said to be typical for this town.

Instead, I want to put the spotlight on two things which we can be proud of. The first is the Xató, a salad of disputed origin but as a good vilanoví, I am convinced that it comes from here. The second is the Xatonada – the day when some people compete in making the best Xató, but most of us just take the opportunity to have a plate of it together.

This year’s version took place last Sunday and the good atmosphere was enhanced by the weather and good music. True, for our children, the old location in the premises of the Railway Museum was more exciting, but my wife and I appreciated the move to Plaça de la Mediterrànea since the natural flow through the square created a very inviting feeling.

For possible Swedish readers, I want to stress that I am aware that bacallà (cod) is being heavily over-fished. But I really like this dish. And the Xatonada is only once a year.

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