Sunday 25 March 2007

Asian faces - not quite the touch

At this time of the year, we only have official places to go to if we need a massage. Summertime, there are alternatives. In general, Asian immigrants are rare here, but during the warm months you find a surprisingly high number of most often Chinese women walking up and down the beaches of Vilanova offering a massage.

Compared to the truly professional treatment at Mond Vertebral or similar places, they ask quite high prices, around € 10 for ten minutes. And, let us be honest about the fact that while an Asian face is good marketing in the massage business it does not automatically mean that the person has any skills or training. An additional inconvenient is that your body tend not only to be massaged, but also roughly peeled with the sand from your towel.

Having said all this, a massage on the beach has it advantages. First of all you do not need to plan it in advance, but just ask for it when you need it. More importantly, for anyone with a busy workday schedule, this service is available in the weekends as well, which is not the case at the proper massage establishments in Vilanova.

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